Adam's journey to ministering at Shoreline Church has been an unexpected one.  He met his true love, Jessica, while attending the University of Guelph.  When he completed his Bachelor of Science, God opened up an opportunity to work in food safety which he did for 4 years.  During this time he married Jessica and began part-time seminary studies at Heritage Seminary.  God eventually led Adam and Jessica to pursue ministry full-time which began with finishing his Master of Theological Studies (Heritage) and led into a 2-year pastoral internship at Benton Street Baptist Church, Kitchener.  During this time their son was born in January 2015.

After two amazing years in Kitchener, God led their steps to rural Alberta where Adam served as Youth & Young Adults Pastor over the next 4 years.  They were blessed with strong friendships, a loving church, and witnessed many youth mature in their faith.  During these years in Alberta, they welcomed their daughter in January 2019.

In 2020, God used the pandemic to guide them into considering a return to Ontario to be closer to their family.  To their surprise a position was open that fit their gifts and desires perfectly.  After a few months of prayer and discernment, Adam resigned from his role in Alberta and the whole family made the big move to Port Elgin in October 2020 to begin serving as pastor at Shoreline Baptist Church.  He is overjoyed at God's calling on his life to serve as Shoreline's pastor.

A few personal insights: Adam is a die-hard Hamilton Tiger Cats' fan and loves his at-home espresso maker.  You can count on having a memorable drink when you visit the Kennedy's home.  He loves having time with his family and they can all be seen biking around town, at the beach, a local park, or enjoying an ice cream.



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